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What to Expect

Here at Cowbridge Chiropractic Clinic, we want everyone to feel comfortable and safe. To help us achieve this, we've explained exactly what to expect during the initial consultation and treatments.





Step 1- Initial Consultation

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a profession that dates back to the 1800's. Chiropractors have an in-depth knowledge of diagnosis and treatment of the joints, muscles, and nervous system.

It doesn't only focus on the spine, but instead specialises in all musculoskeletal problems of the body, with the goal to restore proper movement and alignment which can alleviate pain, improve function and promote healing.

At Cowbridge Chiropractic Clinic, our chiropractors will discover the cause of your condition and give you, the patient, a specific treatment and lifestyle plan, including exercises and nutritional advice, to optimise your health.



Chiropractic adjustment, SMT, neck clicking, neck pain, physiotherapy, rehab, mobilisation, joint pain


Book your New Patient Consultation by clicking "BOOK NOW"


As a new patient you will be invited to Pillars of Health Chiropractic for your initial new patient consultation. Your initial consultation is split over 2 days, designed to understand your needs and find out the root cause of your pain or condition and the solution to optimise your health and wellbeing.
1st visit- Consultation
At your first appointment you will be greeted by your chiropractor and taken into the treatment room. They will proceed to go through an intake form with you, that you may have completed via email. This is a crucial step and it is important that you tell us everything that may be relevant to your current problem as this form is a key element in the process of getting to the bottom of the issue and going on to formulate the correct treatment plan to deal with it.


You will then be thoroughly examined by your chiropractor and a number of tests carried out so that they can decide how to proceed.

The initial consultation is very thorough and takes around 40 minutes.

2nd Visit- Report of Findings

After the initial Consultation, your chiropractor will carefully examine the test results and prepare a Report of Findings ready for your follow-up appointment. This identifies the cause of the problem, makes conclusions on treatment and prevents a recurrence.

If further investigations are deemed necessary, such as an MRI, you will be told at this stage and referred elsewhere pending the results.

You are consulted at every stage and kept fully informed.

We will provide you with your own treatment plan that is specific to you and the symptoms that your are experiencing. Our goal is to regain and increase the functionality and mobility of your body so that you can live a healthy, active life.

Regular maintenance is also crucial to preventing further problems, and many of our patients remain pain free because of this.

Immediately following the Report of Findings you will have the choice to consent and proceed with treatment.

Treatments usually take 20-30 minutes and will be patient specific depending on the plan of management. Often, this will involve an adjustment to your spine or some other affected area, but this isn't always the case. You can find our more about the techniques we use here.


Chiropractic treatment is not painful, and we want you to feel as comfortable as possible during your visit.

We keep a keen eye on your progress and sometimes tweak your Treatment Plan to ensure optimal results. You are kept fully informed of any changes.

Many patients decide to continue their visits once their pain or symptoms are relieved to ensure their body continues to function at its best. 

At regular intervals throughout your care we will schedule you in for a reassessment to monitor your health and make sure you are getting the most from your care.


The human body has an intrinsic ability to establish, maintain, and restore health. The body’s healing process is ordered and intelligent, where nature heals through the response of the life force.

The Chiropractors role is to facilitate this process, and to support the creation of healthy habits. Ultimately, you get you better, the Chiropractor facilitates the healing process!


The Road To Recovery, rehab, rehabilitation, chiropractic care, physio, recovery

Pain relief

Most people consult Cowbridge Chiropractic Clinic because they have pain. Whilst pain relief is important, this is just the start of your healing journey. Visits are frequent in the initial stages, and in most cases as much as 1 to 2 visits per week and support will be here for you along the way from start to finish.

Decision time

When you’re feeling better, you’ll have a decision to make. Will you continue with your care as you strengthen and stabilise or walk away? If you continue with care, your visits naturally become less. Cowbridge Chiropractic Clinic wants you to know that any decisions that you make will be respected. If you decide to continue, we will then generally schedule visits once every few weeks whilst your body balances and strengthens. Maintaining that balance is the goal of phase three. Our aim is to get you to a place of maintenance as quickly as possible, and have you maintain structural stability and strength as you move forward.

Wellness care

Your health affects everything that you do. When you are at your best, you can enjoy life to your fullest. Chiropractic preventative maintenance care is available to maintain your results against your daily stress and demands of life. Chiropractic preventative maintenance care has shown that those under regular care experience less episodes of back pain.

Illness-wellness continuum, pain prevention, injury prevention, illness prevention, well-being, health education

The Illness-Wellness Continuum is a concept from the National Wellness Institute that proposes that wellbeing is more than just whether or not you have symptoms of an illness. It encompasses mental, emotional, and physical health. The Illness-Wellness Continuum recognises the importance in preventing disease and musculoskeletal pain before it occurs and helping those at risk to become healthier before they become ill. Everyday you can either add to your health or take it away, so let’s be proactive to our health rather than reactive.

Contact Us

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Book online or if you would like more information then please contact us.

Email: info@cowbridgechiropractic.com

Call: 01446 771114 or 07999046189

Book an Initial Consultation Online for over 30% off


Tel. 01446 771114

Mobile 07999046189

Email info@cowbridgechiropractic.com

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Cowbridge Clinic-

4 Westgate Street


CF71 7AR

Cottrell Clinic-

Cottrell Park Golf Resort

St Nicholas


Parking- Free parking is located a 1 minute walk from the clinic at the Market Place car park.

Parking- Free parking at the Golf Club.

© 2024 by Cowbridge Chiropractic Clinic

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